“Horse Throat” is an adversarial 2D multitasking comedy game about leading a horse to water. The player’s objective is to keep Charley Horse alive, entertained and fed, while completing a series of timed puzzles. Every time he dies, Charley comes back with a new randomly generated username tag number.
The player must rapidly press the D key to keep moving forward, using a chat feature when prompted to interact with various merchants. The game takes you on a physically exhausting and tumultuous journey, but Charley keeps d-manding more. It’s not all d-pressing, though. There are also collectibles and keys that the player can interact with using click and drag controls.
The player must keep their only audience (Charley) from literally dying of boredom–but when they painstakingly lead this horse to water, will he drink it?
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You can play Horse Throat here:
“Horse Throat” full browser game playthrough